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Safeguarding is an area which we take very seriously in our parish and we work hard to develop a culture of safeguarding where all feel safe within the life of the parish.  We have adopted the House of Bishop's Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance.  Our PCC has formally adopted this and signed the Safeguarding Policy Statement Promoting a Safer Church.


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer for children under 18 is Sue Leigh and for vulnerable adults is Elisabeth Sawle.  If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact them in the first instance by phone or email.  Any further advice will be sought from Catherine Smith, the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA), as necessary. 


Sue Leigh

Under 18's Safeguarding Officer


Elisabeth Sawle

Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Officer

01772 821213


Catherine Smith Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser contact details:
Mobile: 07711 485170

Diocese Offices,

Clayton House,

Walker Business Park,




Safeguarding Policy

The Church of England's policy which combines children and adults safeguarding is available here.

Holy Trinity has adopted this as our Safeguarding Policy and a copy of our Parish Safeguarding Policy is available here


Everyone who works/volunteers with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable needs to complete the Church of England Promoting a Safer Church Basic Awareness and Safeguarding Foundations courses. Both are interactive online courses, are completely free and each takes up to one hour to complete. All you need is access to the internet and an email address. 

We also provide annual safeguarding refresher training to all those who work/volunteer with children, young people and adults.


Useful Numbers
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines are free and open 24 hours)
Childline: 0800 1111 

ParentPlus: 07799 602858
Lancashire County Council: 0300 123 6720
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines are free and open 24 hours)

thirtyone:eight Christian charity 0303 003 1111
Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours)
Action on Elder Abuse
Helpline: 0808 808 8141 (free phone Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)

If you have immediate concerns call the Police (either as an emergency 999 or non emergency 101)

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