Mothers' Union Friendship Group
Holy Trinity & All Saints

Mothers’ Union is a global organisation with 4 million members in 83 countries which is open to anyone baptised into the Christian church. Its aim is to nurture the Christian religion in marriage and family life. We try to achieve this by teaching, praying, supporting parents and families particularly those who are experiencing difficulties and challenges and by raising awareness of the worldwide Mothers' Union community.
Recent projects have included a coffee morning and a Christmas floral demonstration to raise money for the Literacy & Financial Programme in Burundi.
We have also sold knitted Easter egg chickens to raise funds for the Mothers' Union caravan in Morecambe which provides holidays for families who would not otherwise have the opportunity to take a break.
We meet at 2.00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month ( except July & August) in Holy Trinity Church Hall. We also have monthly lunches to which everyone is welcome.
Further information is available from Veronica Roper – tel 01254 852027 / 07901 913812 or email